How to Market Portable Storage Containers

Are you familiar with portable storage containers? You may have seen them at a storage facility or on the back of a truck driving down the highway, not even realizing what they were.

Portable storage containers are large, secure, usually weather-resistant boxes that can be moved from one location to another. You can pack them, move them, unpack them, place them on site, or store them elsewhere. These containers can be used for events, remote workspaces, pop-up shops and bars, renovations, and much more. Whatever your extra-space needs, portable storage containers are a convenient solution.

Have you ever considered serving a new customer base by adding portable storage containers to your existing self storage business? Not to mention that you could try starting this type of business from scratch. Either way, your success will depend on how you market these versatile containers.

In some ways marketing portable storage containers is a bit different from marketing a self storage business. To begin with, you’ll be targeting a different demographic. Research has shown that portable storage users tend to be in their 20s and 30s and on a budget. They don’t mind putting in a little more effort on a less expensive product.

Another factor to consider is that portable storage has the potential to serve a larger radius than conventional storage. Don’t overlook this additional opportunity by finding several highly visible locations and getting permission to store containers in that area for a few weeks at a time.

Here at FineView Marketing, our team understands that every business is unique. We can design the right marketing mix of tools and strategies for portable storage containers. Our programs attract customers and drive results.

Market Portable Storage Containers Effectively

Use Your Portable Storage Container as Your Billboard

Portable storage containers are the perfect showcase for your company’s brand. Your name, address, phone number, logo, and website can serve as your billboard.

To make the most of your “moving” billboard, you’ll want to keep it clear, concise, and informative.

  • Use a readable font. If your logo is designed in an elaborate or cursive font, be sure that all of the other content is done in a simple, basic font that can be easily read by most people and from a distance. According to Wylie Communications, half of U.S. adults can’t read a book written at an eighth-grade level.
  • Keep your message concise. In many cases, people will be viewing your message on the move. Get professional help so that your design is not only aesthetically pleasing but clear and easy to read.
  • Name and phone number are not enough information. Your target audience will probably be more inclined to search for detailed information on their mobile devices. Be sure that your website and email address are highlighted.
  • Your logo must be visible. When you’re planning your portable storage container advertising, be sure to find a company that is willing to color match your business and logo to the containers. It’s important that your logo is highly visible and that your brand is consistent throughout the content.

Attract Your Target Audience with an Optimized, Dynamic Website

A search engine optimized (SEO) website is the number one way that you will attract and convert this audience. Your website should be packed with easily accessible information and, above all, offer mobile responsiveness. Younger customers (and even some seniors) rely on mobile devices to help them make fast and informed buying decisions. A seamless online experience with convenient features like online rentals, reservations, and autopay will be the feature that converts them from consumers to customers.

Keep Consumers Engaged with an Effective Social Media Presence

Your online presence extends well past your website. Social media is an effective way to stay connected to your customers online. Facebook ads are easy and affordable, and they can be targeted at specific users. For example, as mentioned earlier, your audience is typically in their 20s or 30s and lives with budget constraints. Cost is a priority with this group.

Adding a simple price guide to a social media post adds value for your readers and gives you information about prospects based on the information that they share. Data like this helps you to further understand personas and your target audience. Another way to get your brand in front of potential customers is by using your referral program as a social media post, not only rewarding current customers, but adding new business.

Final Thoughts

Your business depends on how well you communicate what you have to offer. Portable storage containers are a unique opportunity to market to a wide range of customers. Everything a prospective customer sees influences their buying decisions. Get professional help here at FineView Marketing. We’ll create a marketing plan that leads to conversions.

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