How Blogs Impact Your Website

How Blogs Impact Your Website

Blogs Impact Your Website

The estimated global number of blogs in 2023 is over 600 million, and that number is growing every day. According to Neil Patel, New York Times Best Selling Author, 53% of marketers consider blog content creation as a top priority, and 47% of marketers prioritize content distribution.

Is it any wonder that blogging can have a significant impact on your website? In the world of digital marketing, creating engaging content plays a crucial role in driving traffic and increasing conversions. Blogging is an effective way to provide valuable information to your audience. It can establish your expertise, and boost your website’s visibility on search engines.

With the right content marketing strategy, blogging can help you attract a larger audience, build brand loyalty, and generate leads. Our team of experts at FineView Marketing can provide you with innovative blog ideas that will increase brand awareness and drive customer engagement.

Why Blogging is Worth It

A Blog Drives Traffic to Your Website

Think about the ways that people can find your website.

  • If you’re already on their radar, they can type your business name right into the browser. However, this is an audience that already knows who you are. That doesn’t help you drive any more traffic than you’re already getting.
  • You can pay for traffic by placing ads, which can be expensive. The real downside is that when you decide to stop the ads, the traffic stops coming, too.
  • You could spend money on an email list, hoping that people open them. Of course, this is not a great idea because it’s both costly and illegal.

So what is one effective method to drive traffic to your site? Blogging, when done consistently and correctly, is great for attracting traffic. This doesn’t mean that your brand doesn’t require an additional social media presence, along with other mediums. Nevertheless, there are some compelling reasons to add a blog to your marketing strategy toolkit.

Every time that you publish a blog post, it’s one more indexed page on your website. This means more opportunities to show up on the search engine results page (SERP). This also signals Google that your website is active and generates checks for new content.

A Blog Can Be Repurposed for Social Media Content

Blogging for your business can also increase your visibility through social media platforms. Each time you produce a fresh article, you are generating content that can be shared on various social networks. Exposure on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram shares your business with a new audience.

By incorporating blog content into your social media strategy, you can drive new visitors to your blog through your social channels. This further expands your reach and attracts more prospects to your website.

A Blog Can Help Convert Traffic to Leads

That is how you turn your website traffic into leads for your sales team.

Each blog post is a fresh opportunity to generate leads. It’s simple. Just add a lead-generating call-to-action to every blog post.

These calls to action can lead to a form for readers to complete, a fact sheet, a webinar, or any other content for which a reader is willing to exchange information.

To be clear, this is how it works:

  • Visitor comes to your website
  • Visitor sees a call to action
  • Visitor clicks on the call to action and is taken to a landing page with a form for their information
  • Visitor submits the form and receives the free offer.

Don’t be concerned if not all blog readers become leads. Nothing converts 100% of people who read blog posts. The key is to start blogging, add calls to action to your posts, and see what happens.

A Blog Helps With Link Building

Inbound links (backlinks) are among the many factors that the Google algorithm uses when ranking a site on its results page. Many experts say that link building is the most challenging part of SEO.

It’s important to create blogs that are valuable to your potential customers as well as to leading companies in your industry. Doing this makes it easy to gain relevant links. These backlinks help to build domain authority which will improve your discoverability in search engines. They also signal to Google that you’re an industry expert.

A Blog Builds Authority

A well-written, credible blog can present your company as an industry expert. You can post industry trends and conference updates that impact customers. Gain audience trust and referrals by anticipating customer questions and solving problems.

If prospects find answers to their questions via a blog post, they’ll be much more likely to trust your company when they’re ready to buy. They’ll have more knowledge about your products and services as well as your place in the market.

Salespeople can be a helpful resource to a prospect if they have an archive of informational blogs at hand. They’ll be able to answer questions and move the process along more quickly.


Blogging can be a great marketing opportunity for your company. Make sure that your blog posts are engaging and contain useful information that is relevant to your audience. Your blog should be updated regularly. And don’t forget to use the right keywords when you’re writing blog posts.

If you want to build a brand that is trustworthy, engaging, and authentic, blogging is a great way to go. It’s important to remember to keep it fresh and to post quality content. If you’re thinking about adding a blog to your website, but aren’t sure where to start, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.

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