Month: March 2019

Why Implement a Community Marketing Strategy

Why Implement a Community Marketing Strategy

This is the first blog in our community marketing series.  Community marketing is a…

This is the first blog in our community marketing series.  Community marketing is a very effective strategy for small to medium sized businesses, bringing a focus to the perceived needs of existing local customers.  We’ll begin by thinking about why you need…

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Avoid Stereotypical Generational Marketing Pitfalls

Avoid Stereotypical Generational Marketing Pitfalls

Generational marketing is becoming an industry catchphrase.  In the simplest terms, it is marketing…

Generational marketing is becoming an industry catchphrase.  In the simplest terms, it is marketing to people based on their age.  Marketers are seeking to gain a competitive advantage by aiming at three generational targets:  Baby Boomers, Gen X, and Millennials. Tailoring your…

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